"Windows Diagnostic detected a S.M.A.R.T fault on disc"


I re-installed Windows 8.1 on my Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro and since then, every logon I get the error message:

Windows detected a hard disk problem

when I go to the event viewer I see the error: "Windows Diagnostic detected a S.M.A.R.T fault on disc  SAMSUNG MZMTE256HMHP-000L1 (volumes C:\)"

1. so first of all, I wanted to ask - should I be worried? besides the error it seams that I can do whatever without any problems.

2. is there something I can do in this situation?

I ran chkdsk /f /r on the drive. it didn't change anything

I even cleaned the drive and repartitioned the hard-drive, and then re-installed Windows - same error!

3. if the hard-drive works fine and this message appears only from Windows - should it be enough for Lenovo's lab to replace my hard-drive? so far it looks more like a windows problem than a hardware prob

April 6th, 2015 1:35pm

  1. Back up your data as soon as possible.
  2. Get yourself a new hard drive.
  3. Also get one of these or similar.. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6500244&CatId=3770
  4. Download this.. http://www.todo-backup.com/ and use it to clone the entire old disk onto the new one
  5. Hook up the new drive to the above adapter.
  6. Run Easeus TODO and set it to clone the old disk in its entirety to the new disk. Check the 'sector by sector' box and it will also copy over the manufacturer recovery partition.
  7. After the clone, remove the old drive, and replace it with the newly cloned drive.
  8. Your machine should restart and operate just as it did before.
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April 6th, 2015 11:19pm

well.. I admit I didn't expect to get here some 3rd party solutions how to backup my data

I don't have anything important on the computer. what I wanted to know is what this message means and is there really something damaged with my hard-drive and what is it exactly?

April 8th, 2015 5:14am

Hi Tamir Levy,

Almost all hard drives include self-monitoring circuitry built into the drive's electronics. This allows the drive to keep track of its own health. Essentially what's happened to generate the warning you see is that your hard drive has determined that the error rate of data being written to and read from the drive has exceeded an acceptable threshold. If there is too many errors, the drive thinks that it's in danger of failing. It reports that back to Windows via the hard disk's drivers, and Windows passes the warning on to you.

Sometimes ran a disk check but after the computer rebooted it never gave a log file or anything. Also this warring might never show again.

Some users select ignoring because it might not be true, though it probably is.

From personal opinion I won't ignore the warning. At least back it up, if you haven't already, so that if that happens you will not simply be much more inconvenienced.


D. Wu

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 9th, 2015 5:45am

thank you very much Daeson.

I learned a lot from your answer.

the Laptop is still in warranty. went to the official lab and they already ordered a new H.D.


April 12th, 2015 9:06am

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